Thursday, 16 May 2013

One for transport nerds: urban density, the compact city, sustainability …

“Does anybody know what the ‘right’ density is? I do. It is 12,000 to 60,000 persons per square mile of residential area (20 to 100 persons per acre). In other words, acceptable conditions can be created within a wide range of densities … but there are upper and lower limits beyond which serious disadvantages appear.” [H. Blumenfeld, “The Modern Metropolis: Its Origins, Growth, Characteristics, and Planning”, p.172]

“If sustainable development is so dependent on higher densities, then the question is higher than what …?” [M. Jenks and N. Dempsey, ‘The Language and Meaning of Density’, in Jenks & Dempsey, “Future Forms and Design for Sustainable Cities”, p.287]


I’d like to spend a couple of posts driving around the veritable “Spaghetti Junction” ( of issues related to the subjects of urban density, the compact city, and sustainability. These complex and interrelated topics have provided planners, scholars and urban historians with material for robust debate since at least the early days of the commuter suburb in the late 19th century. In recent decades, as technological options have multiplied, the range of densities at which people live has widened considerably, and as the question of the relationship (if any) between urban density and sustainability has become globalised with rapid worldwide urbanisation, the scope for complexity and confusion seems to have expanded with them.

What I would like to do as a contribution to unscrambling some of the complexity is to make some of my definitions and assumptions explicit, and by simplifying a couple of categories at least to pick out a couple of useful signposts along the route.

The first point of simplification is that I will focus on the impact of urban transport technologies on how the built environment has been (and can be) shaped, and how that can potentially affect the issue of sustainability. Although one can view the subject of urban sustainability through many lenses (such as energy generation and consumption, food supply, water and sanitation, even no doubt cultural and psychic) I believe that understanding the evolution and dynamics of transport technology is the starting point for any meaningful discussion. In this, I will draw heavily on Hans Blumenfeld’s wide-ranging series of essays, written between 1940 and 1965 and published as “The Modern Metropolis”.

The second point of simplification will be to distinguish a number of abstract, “ideal type” city structures in order to illustrate the symbiotic and dynamic interplay between a given transport technology and population density. My aim in starting with a very abstract categorisation of city types is twofold: first, to give a mental image of the kind of city we are talking about; and second, to try to focus on the essentials before reintroducing some levels of real world complexity.

Let’s start with a long quote from Blumenfeld which helps illustrate, using the example of 19th and early 20th century technical progress, why the evolution of transport technology is so critical to understanding the urban landscape:

“The 19th century gridiron plan of our cities was designed without any mental image of the body of the city, and the buildings were constructed without relation to any design of the city as a whole. No one could guess from a map of Manhattan from which field on this checkerboard rises the fantastic silhouette of the city’s skyscrapers.

Yet it is possible to discern a definite pattern of the modern city that has gradually superimposed itself on the ubiquitous gridiron. This pattern is essentially a product of the growth of transportation, which at different stages developed centralizing and decentralizing tendencies.

In the first stage interurban traffic was revolutionized by steamships and railroads. Where they met, and only there, could modern industry assemble the masses of coal – its driving power – and of raw materials and food that it needed. And only from these points could it easily ship its products to distant markets. Factories attracted workers, and the presence of many workers of various skills created favourable conditions for more factories.

But while steamships and railroads carried huge masses of goods and passengers to and from the far corners of the earth, traffic within the city moved, as of old, on foot or by horse and buggy; and while the telegraph carried news around the world within a few seconds, communications within the city were still carried by messengers. So factories and offices and dwellings all tried to be close to the centre of the city, crowding each other.

Only after several decades did the technical revolution reach the interior communications of the city. Suburban railroads, streetcars, elevated trains, subways, buses, automobiles, and the telephone overcame the distances within the urban area – as steamships, railroads, and telegraph had already succeeded in overcoming distances between cities. While interurban traffic continues to act as a centralizing force, concentrating business and population in metropolitan areas, intraurban traffic acts as a decentralizing force within the limits of these areas. The densely crowded agglomeration of the 19th century with its concomitant, the fantastic skyrocketing of urban land values, turns out to have been a short-lived passing phenomenon necessitated by the time lag between the transformation of interurban and intraurban traffic, respectively; it was bound to disperse once this lag was overcome.

Though it would disperse, it would not dissolve. Sources of power, raw materials, and markets may be equally accessible outside the metropolitan area, but it is only here that employees and employers have a wide range of mutual choice, as skills become ever more varied and specialized. The modern metropolitan area is primarily a labour market; it extends only as far as people can commute daily to and from work.” [Blumenfeld, pp.31-2].

I think it will be useful to look at three “ideal type” city formats, and the transport technologies that underlie each of them and which are necessary to make them work. I hope that, although the characterisation of the cities will be highly simplified and abstract, it will nevertheless be useful in order to draw out some of the basic constraints and interrelationships involved. The first city type has a density of 75,000 people per square mile and is served by a public transport network of subway lines – let’s for sake of argument call it “Paris”. The second type is a city composed entirely of low density “automobile suburb” development (7,500 people per sq m) and has no public transport network, being solely dependent on its road network – let’s call it “Los Angeles”. The third type is a hybrid with a density of 25,000 people per sq m: characteristic of, for example, an outer suburb of a large city like London or a smaller European city (let’s say Nottingham, Nantes or Freiburg). This city is served by a mixed transport network of light rail (trams) and cars.

However, before turning to look at each of the cities in turn, let’s first address a couple of the definitional complexities and confusions that plague the debates around urban density in order to clarify our terms a little. The first confusion is “between high densities and overcrowding … The Garden City planners and their disciples looked at slums which had both many dwelling units on the land (high densities) and too many people within individual dwellings (overcrowding), and failed to make any distinction between the fact of overcrowded rooms and the entirely different fact of densely built up land. They hated them both equally … and coupled them like ham and eggs, so that to this day housers and planners pop out the phrase as if it were one word, ‘highdensityandovercrowding’” [J. Jacobs, p.268]. Clearly, one can find population densities of 75k-100k people per sq m in either the central districts of Paris or Hong Kong, or in a third world slum or in the slums of 19th century London or Chicago. The differences are pretty obvious, and come down essentially to the amount of space available to each person, so we don’t need to be confused.

A second area of confusion and complexity is of terminology and measurement. In their survey of the British historical experience of recognising the significance of, and attempting to legislate for, urban density criteria, Jenks and Dempsey identify the “wide range of different measurements [which] have been used including: persons per hectare; dwellings per hectare; habitable rooms per hectare; bed spaces per hectare; and floorspace per hectare.” [p.293] Moreover, there is the question of whether density is measured in gross (the whole area including all uses) or net (solely concerned with residential square footage) terms. “[D]ensity ‘can be life-threatening when in the wrong hands’. Using net residential density alone fails to take into account wider issues of land capacity, mixed uses, and gives no guide for assessing aspects such as ‘walkability’”. [p.293] Let’s react by acknowledging these complexities, but assume that issues such as mixed use are a given in the interests of thinking more abstractly: think “Paris” or “L.A.” in terms of the general format of the city, or I will put in some pictures to illustrate the sort of urban places I’m thinking of.

“PARIS”: what, at least for the purposes of this analysis, is the point of a city? In Blumenfeld’s view, the “basic raison d’etre of the modern metropolis is the need for cooperation and communication resulting from the division of labour… Primarily the metropolis is a labour market, a place for making a living. This also sets its limits. It is a commuting area, extending as far as daily commuting is possible and no farther.” [p.123]. Let’s go with this definition, maybe broadened a bit to say that the point is ease of physical communication of all kinds and therefore mobility – the ability of the individual to move around the city reasonably fast and reliably, at a reasonable cost, for whatever reason.

Starting with a residential density of 75,000 let’s assume a mega-city of 15 million. Purely abstractly this is a city of 200 square miles, or one that therefore fits into a square with sides of just over 14 miles. Let’s further assume that we are going to serve the city with a public transport network consisting solely of a heavy rail underground system. (There is clearly always going to be a requirement for the road network to deal with some private car usage, transport for tradesmen and the delivery of goods, but let’s make the reasonable assumption that with the great majority of intraurban trips made by underground the road network is both adequate for high quality pedestrian usage and occasional car/delivery van usage.)

What does moving around the city look like? In order to go door-to-door anyone making a trip within the city will obviously need to walk from the starting point to the closest subway station, take the subway to the nearest subway stop to his/her destination, and walk to the final destination. Pretty straightforward. Making the standard assumption of an average 3 miles per hour walking speed, a 10-minute walk is half a mile. Therefore if we are going to say that every inhabitant is a maximum approximately 10-minute walk away from the nearest subway station, a subway station needs to be placed at the centre of every square mile block of the city – i.e. 200 stations which are connected by 14 13-mile west-to-east subway lines and one (higher capacity) 13-mile north-to-south line. So the longest trip anyone will have to make in the 15 million inhabitant city is: 10 minutes’ walk to the nearest subway station; a subway trip of 28 stops with 2 changes of train line; and 10 minutes’ walk to the final destination.

What are the advantages of a modern subway system for moving people around a city? Obviously, it is independent of the surface shape of the city, in particular the design of its street network. This means that there is no trade-off between the design choices that can be made to enhance pedestrian accessibility and liveability on the one hand, and the design choices necessary to ensure car mobility on the other. The second point is really a subset of the first: that its capacity (the number of people that can be moved per hour) is for practical purposes unlimited. This is significant because intraurban trips are not evenly spread throughout each 24 hour period but rather are heavily concentrated in the 2-hour morning and evening commuter rush hour periods; therefore in terms of capacity any transport system has to deal not just with the total number of trips made during the day but with the 2 daily “spikes” of demand on working days – therefore 20 hours of the average working week in comparison to the total 168 hours of a week.

If we want to get a little bit nerdy, there are a number of ways the carrying capacity of a subway system can be increased through the design of trains and stations: trains can be enlarged – widened, lengthened or made double-decker; headways (the time between each train) can to some extent be decreased (although there are technical constraints that mean that minimum headways are not lower than around 90 seconds or 2 minutes); moving passengers on and off the trains can be made faster by having platforms on both sides of the train, one for passengers entering and the other for exiting. If necessary, more tunnels can be dug. There are some technical limits to train speed stemming from the fact that a train has to accelerate and then decelerate within (in our example) one mile; however, even this can be radically increased by having two sets of trains and tunnels on the highest-capacity routes, one set for a smaller “local” service stopping at each station and one set for an “express” service stopping every 4-5 stations. Anyway, the net result is that there are no meaningful limits on the design capacity of underground rail to move very large numbers of people, with high concentrations at rush hours, efficiently and reliably.

The main problem with underground rail systems is capital expense – primarily digging the tunnels and the stations, and equipping them with signalling, control equipment and trains. Once built, the operating costs are relatively low and stable – electricity, maintenance and salaries for the relatively small number of people necessary to run the system. A subway system is also by definition inflexible – it can’t cheaply be adjusted if part of the city suddenly becomes relatively depopulated and/or the city expands rapidly in terms of area. However, the debt incurred through the high capital costs of a subway system is relatively straightforward to amortise over a long period of time when you have a large and densely populated city which is relatively stable in land area and population over extended periods of time, and which will tend to have relatively a high and stable tax base (in terms of individual incomes, business productivity and property values.) Such cities go together with subway systems, as Jane Jacobs would put it, like “ham and eggs”.

Having looked at an idealised high-density city, let’s begin to look at the dynamics involved in the transportation options available to a low-density city, “Los Angeles”. Blumenfeld points out that “[i]n every big metropolis a battle royal is raging between the advocates of a rapid-transit system and the partisans of a freeway system … But neither rapid-transit lines nor freeways constitute a system. Neither can carry persons or goods from door to door. Given the money, anyone can build a rapid-transit line or a freeway … The problem is: how do you get to it from where you are, and from it to where you want to go? A transit system is no better than the feeder system that brings people to and from the stations, and a road system is no better than the interchanges, streets, parking and loading spaces to which the cars and trucks must get from the freeway.

If one thinks in terms of a transit system and a road system, it is not difficult to define the role that each can play best. If you go back to your home in one suburb from a party in another suburb at two in the morning, you cannot expect a bus or train but have to drive your car. But when a thousand people want to go from point A to point B in the same five minutes, it is obviously more sensible to carry them in one train than to have a thousand cars compete for street and parking space. High density requires transit, and transit makes high density possible. Low density requires individual car driving, and universal use of the car requires low density.” [p.141]

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