“No rational
concert promoter would decide how big to build a stadium based on the number of
people who would come to see the Grateful Dead if the tickets were free. But
that is often how transportation planners decide highway capacity: they
estimate how many trips would be made on an unpriced facility, then try to
build a facility big enough to accommodate that number of trips.” Moore and
Thorsnes, ‘Transportation/Land Use Connection’, American Planning Association
“There is
nothing revolutionary about providing ‘free’ transportation. It is done by
every elevator in any office building or apartment. The cost of the service is
collected as part of the rent from all tenants, whether they use it 100 times a
day or not at all … The driver benefits when his neighbour leaves his car at
home and takes the subway or bus. But if everyone who comes downtown each day
by public transport drove a car, there would be an enormous traffic jam. It is
true, of course, that not everyone wants to drive downtown. But, then, not
everyone uses a park or playground, yet all pay for it.” Blumenfeld, ‘The
Modern Metropolis’, p.166
Let’s spend
this post looking in a bit more detail at the cost structures associated with
the different transportation options that underpin the built environment in our
two idealised cities, “Los Angeles” and “Paris”. Of the two forms, the car and
underground rail, the cost structure of the former is far more complex and, I
would argue, much more relevant to the question of “sustainability”; so we’ll spend
most of the post looking at the costs to the individual and society of private
car usage, and try to look at some recent data in order to begin to quantify
the various costs.
however first summarise the cost structure and urban density implications of
underground rail. The fixed costs – digging tunnels and underground stations,
and equipping them with signalling and trains – are very high, and therefore
the debt load necessary to build the system is also high. The variable costs
(electricity, maintenance and personnel) are comparatively low. It is
relatively inflexible but once built it is in place virtually indefinitely, and
therefore suits large cities that are stable in spatial terms. It is relatively
straightforward to build high capacity for ‘peak passenger loads’ into the
system, for the rest of the time the system will generally operate with
substantial spare capacity. The feeder network is pedestrian – i.e. the system
operates on a “walk-train-walk” basis in order to go door-to-door, and a convenient
walking distance of say half a mile to the nearest station determines the
catchment area for each station. The system is therefore only cost-effective in
large high-density (compact) cities. However, for those cities the capital
costs are relatively easy to amortise over a long period of time because they
tend to have high value-added economies, high incomes, high property values and
therefore large tax bases. Apart from requiring density, the underground system
is independent of the design of the urban streetscape.
Blumenfeld’s elevator analogy, it is theoretically possible to imagine an
approach that says that in a high rise building, movement via the stairwell is
free, but that the additional costs of installing an elevator will be met by charging
the residents of the higher floors a fare for each trip. Obviously, this would
be “fair” for the inhabitants of the ground floor. In reality the costs of
building and operating an underground system are impossible to cover by
charging fares (they are simply too high). But just as are the high rise
building and the elevator are entirely symbiotic (movement by stairwell becomes
increasingly inconvenient and then virtually impossible the higher you go), so
is the underground rail network with a large and compact city. In this sense
the provision of transport as a free good is both necessary and probably

The costs of
car ownership for the individual (or, more generally, household) are in simple
terms divided into fixed costs (purchase of the car, insurance, tax and
depreciation) and variable costs (overwhelmingly petrol/gasoline but also
maintenance and any road tolls or parking costs). Things obviously get more complicated
in reality: for example, depreciation will also increase when the car is driven
a lot, cars themselves vary significantly in cost and fuel consumption, and
technologies such as hybrid and electric cars change the parameters.
let’s look at some recent data to get a broad picture of the scale of costs for
the household – this from a Canadian survey:
So we’re
talking about approximately CAD$7,000 fixed costs per annum for a single medium sized car.
It’s probably safe to assume that the average suburban household is at least a
two-car household: therefore let’s say $14,000. As far as variable cost is
concerned, it is interesting to note both the absolute amounts but also how it
will escalate dependent on fuel costs – a doubling of the price of petrol will
roughly double the variable cost component of the car driven 32,000 kilometres
per year (i.e. about 55 miles per day) to about $8,000 p.a., leading to a total
household annual cost per car of $15,500. Therefore a two-car household, with
both cars being driven 32k kilometres p.a., would be facing total costs in the
order of $31,000 p.a. in the event that petrol prices double from when the
survey was done.
With regard to variable costs, the important things to conclude are: first, that while the marginal cost per kilometre driven is a very small number ($1,500/12,000 or $0.125 per kilometre for this car), when an individual or household is locked into a requirement to make long commutes the costs are significant; and second, that those costs escalate in step with petrol price rises.
With regard to variable costs, the important things to conclude are: first, that while the marginal cost per kilometre driven is a very small number ($1,500/12,000 or $0.125 per kilometre for this car), when an individual or household is locked into a requirement to make long commutes the costs are significant; and second, that those costs escalate in step with petrol price rises.
Let’s take a
look at what has been happening to petrol prices (data from the US):
In other
words, since 2008, despite the US (and most developed economies) having
flat-lined at either very low growth levels or outright recession, petrol prices
have risen substantially, reflecting global crude oil prices. The following charts
shows two significant processes: first, that just as after the 1989 oil price
spike, US drivers are in the process of significantly reducing their
consumption of petrol; and second, that crude oil prices remain at far higher
levels than in the 1990s and most of the early 2000s despite the ongoing
recessions in many of the major developed oil-importing countries.
delving into the dynamics of the world oil market it is probably fair to
conclude that elevated crude oil prices over a period of several years reflect
a combination of two factors: on the supply side a ceiling having been reached
in world production, and on the demand side the rise of a car economy in Asia
(and in particular China). The relevance of these data for the sustainability
of the car suburbia model of urban growth is fairly clear – namely that if a
fundamental shift has taken place which brings into question the premise of
cheap petrol, and that this reflects a long-term shift in supply/demand balance
of the global oil market, then the question arises how far the red line of
average per capita gasoline consumption can continue to decline while car
dependent suburban life remains viable?
But while it
is probably a truism to say that car suburbia lives or dies depending on the
price of petrol in the long run, this is not to say that a suburban car-dependent
lifestyle which is “sustainable” one year with crude oil at $20 a barrel will
be “unsustainable” the next year with crude oil at $100 a barrel. Reality is
much more complex: to go back to a Jane Jacobs quote from a previous post, just
as “the ideal of the suburbanised anti-city was developed architecturally,
sociologically, legislatively and financially” on the foundation of a single
technology, that of affordable individual car travel, so any transition to a
new urban model will similarly depend on the ability of societies to cope with
the political, financial, technical, architectural and legislative aspects of
that transition.
In many
respects the most interesting questions revolve around the technical modalities
and time-frames of re-fitting and adapting the existing car suburbia format to
alternative transport structures and living arrangements. However, the history
of previous transformations of urban form in the US is ominous: in particular
the social, political, economic and financial implosion of many of the inner
cities in the 1970s and 1980s. Just as Jacobs identified complex feedback loops
and self-reinforcing dynamics as the key drivers of spatial dispersion in car
suburbia, I would argue that the financial and economic dynamics that promoted
suburban sprawl are subject to equivalent feedback loop phenomena, with the
attendant threat that long-term “virtuous cycles” of expansion can rapidly turn
into “vicious circles” of contraction. I will take a closer look at the infrastructure aspects of suburban cost structures and the financial-economic dynamics in the next
Hi Ian - great blog but it is time to update after the summer break! Looking forward to the next posts - J.